Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Let Paul Debate

Iowans for Tax Relief recently unfairly excluded Texas Congressman Ron Paul from a presidential debate. When asked why Paul did not receive an invitation, a spokesman for the group stated that Paul was not a "credible" candidate. However, the group invited Congressman Tom Tancredo and U.S. Senator Sam Brownback, both of whom consistently poll about the same as Paul (1-3 percent). Clearly, Iowans for Tax Relief had an ulterior motive for giving Paul the cold shoulder.

Although the Iowans for Tax Relief will never divulge their exact motive, the reason for Paul's exclusion undoubtedly has its roots in his decidedly maverick voting record. During a House career that has spanned over a decade, he has upset many dyed-in-the-wool Republicans with his staunch libertarian views. Indeed, he ran for president in 1988 as a Libertarian, and he has consistently opposed the war in Iraq. Some Republicans are none too pleased by his positions, especially his opposition to the war, but his views, whether misguided or not, should not be censored.

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