Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Double Standard in Sports???

Is there a double standard in sports? Do African-American athletes receive preferential treatment in the media? Is Rush Limbaugh (Gasp!!!) correct? If the Mike Vick dog fighting episode is any indication, the answer may be yes.

Keep in mind that authorities have not yet charged the Falcons athlete/quarterback with a crime. However, numerous news outlets/opinion makers have already circled the racial wagons and mounted a vigorous defense.

Has this defense been based on the evidence? No. It has been based on cultural relativism. The argument is that it is OK for Mike Vick and other poor southerners (which in a racist and euphemistic way means southern blacks) to commit a felony and brutally fight dogs because "that's what poor southerners do."

Does this strike anyone else as incredibly condescending? Are sports media outlets so politically correct now that they are actually racist?

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