Monday, August 25, 2008

McCain's Veepstakes

Now that Barack Obama has picked his running mate, it's time to take a closer look at those candidates who are on John McCain's short list for VP. Here they are (in no particular order):

1. Mitt Romney. Pros: Romney has executive experience, whereas Obama, Biden, and McCain do not. He is knowledgeable about economic issues, one of McCain's perceived weaknesses. In addition, he has a devoted following among Republican conservatives, and he is a master fundraiser. Cons: There is still a great deal of skepticism concerning Romney's membership in the Mormon Church. He has flip-flopped on more issues than John Kerry, including abortion, an issue held dear by conservatives. Moreover, he doesn't have the common touch. He appears aloof, unable to connect with average Joes. Finally, McCain and Romney displayed a palpable dislike for each other during the primaries. Political observers are not sure whether the two have put their hard feelings behind them.

2. Mike Huckabee. Pros: Huckabee appeals to the Evangelical base of the Republican Party, and he has executive experience. He is a great debater who would more than old his own against Biden. Cons: He may be too conservative for moderate Republicans and undecided Democrats.

3. Tim Pawlenty. Pros: He does not have any skeletons in his closet (as far as we know), and he is a popular governor of Minnesota. Cons: He suffers from a lack of name recognition, and, to be blunt, he is not the most exciting campaigner in the world.

4. Sarah Palin. Pros: Strongly pro-life, extremely popular Alaskan governor, and she would appeal to women voters. Cons: She has served as governor for less than two years; in short, she has less political experience than Obama. Republican observers rightfully worry that she may not be ready for the political "big show."

1 comment:

Ted said...

Theme song for the Sarah Palin VP intro at RNC next week: